Aqua- MarineInc. IS


Aqua Marine Provides Fountain Solutions for the St. Louis area and Beyond.

Lake And Pond Fountains And Aerators Enhance Your Aquatic Habitats.
We Design, Install and Service a Variety of Fountain Structures.

Aqua-Marine Incorporated has the expertise, tools, materials and equipment to create and install just about any water fountain that can be imagined. We recommend the perfect fit to your location that will consider all of the environmental factors that make the ideal fountain such as light, glimmer lines, shadows, power / solar, vegetation, and water flow. We have installed all kinds of fountains in St. Louis for tables, walls, floors, patios and gardens. Considerations must be made for adequate flow rates, weights, size, overall capacity, overflow and Water Feature Landscaping. We have many recommendations and examples of piping materials, sculptures, pumps, reservoirs, and filters that could be fitted to your fountain. One of the keys to a successful fountain installation is a valid maintenance plan – which we provide with every installation for years of trouble-free operation.

As a lake and pond management industry leader in St. Louis, Aqua Marine offers a wide range of lake and pond fountains and aerators. We work closely with every client to select the best possible aeration systems for each unique site. We also offer installation, service and repair of all the aerators & fountains we sell.

These revolutionary fountains are available in a wide variety of spray patterns, giving you the power to create dazzling waterscapes, while also adding to the health and vitality of your lake or pond through the aeration these systems provide.

Contact the fountain and aeration systems experts at Aqua Marine  for pricing, specifications and any additional information pertaining to the following items. We will be happy to offer you the best quote on the lake fountains and pond aeration systems that fit your individual needs.

Improve your overall water quality

When there is a lack of oxygen in your lake or pond, bottom sediments release gases that can cause water quality problems. Proper aeration brought on by a water fountain allows for many of the factors of poor water quality to be mitigated.

Decreases mosquito activity

Summers in St. Louis means mosquitos are prevalent in your yard. Mosquitoes require still water conditions for their eggs to develop. A fountain will create a constant flow of water in your lake or pond, helping to reduce the viable mosquito breeding habitat and acting as a natural & sustainable mosquito control solution.

Helps to control and reduce excessive algae growth

Fountains and the aeration process of adding oxygen to your body of water help starve out the nutrients that algae need to grow and prosper. The aeration caused by fountains also effectively mixes algae spores into the deeper parts of the lake or pond so that they will have less available sunlight and time to grow.

Reduces the accumulation of bottom sediment

Organic matter decomposes much more slowly under low oxygen conditions which can lead to a buildup of bottom sediment in your lake or pond. Proper aeration by the use of a fountain will help reduce the overall accumulation of organic sediment, potentially prolonging or preventing the need for future dredging.


Fountains need periodic cleaning in order to have fresh, clear water that can consistently flow at the desired rate. This is especially true for outdoor fountains, which are more susceptible to weather and debris than indoor fountains. There are many factors that you want to consider to keep your fountain in top shape.

Number 1 is the pump, it must be kept and free of debris. A cleaning schedule is a must, in order to keep the parts from becoming corroded, gathering scale and algae, becoming clogged with debris, or connected tubing restricted with build-up. The exact cleaning procedure varies by manufacturer, but will involve powering off, removing the pump and partial disassembly. You need to clean or replace filters, and particularly clean the impeller and impeller cavity. Then re-assemble the pump. Filters in the system need to be cleaned and/or replaced. Water must be kept clean. If the fountain serves any animals, you also need to keep it sanitary. This can usually be accomplished with chemicals, but occasional drain and refill may be necessary. Stones should be clean and free of algae. Electrical items such as purifiers, misters, and lights may need special attention. If your fountain is seasonal, you may need to prep it for winter. Watch for slowing flow. This usually means problems may be lurking. It may be time to look for leaks.

We service and sell fountains of all varieties, shapes and sizes in the St. Louis area. Call us today to schedule a consultation.